After completing this program, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
1. The basic scientific principles and theories of the structure and function of the organs and systems of the human body in a state of normality at various stages of life.
2. The main principles of infection and immunity, infection control concepts, patient safety, and concepts of health and disease. Determinants of health, causes of disease, and associated risk factors.
3. The foundations of studying clinical cases of diseases, diagnosis, and early detection of pathological conditions.
4. The foundations of drug and pharmaceutical treatments, and knowledge of the harmful effects resulting from medications, including their interactions and its clinical importance.
5. The foundations of healthy behavior, and the social and psychological factors that affect health and are affected by it within the context of the individual family and society.
6. Population health needs, life statistics, family and community-oriented health care, and the most common health problems in Yemeni society.
After completing this program, the student will be able to demonstrate mental skills by:
1. Realizing the complementary relationships between specialty sciences and other medical sciences and linking theoretical scientific knowledge to the requirements of clinical cases in the health and professional environment.
2. Analyzing data from the clinical history, clinical examination, and accompanying investigations to establish the initial clinical diagnosis to solve the basic clinical problems.
3. Using critical thinking, based on evidence and proof, in dealing with medical ethics and in professional work.
4. Read the results of laboratory and radiological medical investigations and interpret them correctly.
5. The ability to explain the patient’s condition in a language that is understandable to the patient and his family.
6. Organizing clinical and non-clinical information, auditing information, and evaluating the reality of health problems in society using scientific methodology in research.
After completing this program, the student will be able to demonstrate professional and practical skills
1. Recording medical cases, and collecting data based on the patient, including information related to health behavior, by following appropriate communication skills
2. Conduct a comprehensive physical examination for patients of all ages and genders.
3. Formulate a safe prescription for all common conditions and provide advice to patients and their families as needed.
4. Use information technology and medical ethics to help solve clinical problems encountered.
5. Performing basic practical skills appropriate for the profession in the future.
6. Recording medical cases and taking data, centered on the patient, including information related to health behavior, by following appropriate communication skills.
After completing this program, the student will be able to demonstrate general and transferable skills by:
1. Communicate effectively with patients, families, colleagues, and official bodies.
2. Use information technology in all areas necessary for professional work and dealing with medical records.
3. Self-learning and ensuring the ability to learn throughout life and continue pursuing knowledge and modern scientific developments.
4. Managing his professional tasks, including time management, and the ability to work under difficult circumstances such as crises and epidemics.
5. Using scientific research methods to diagnose problems, analyze data statistically, interpret it, and display it using a computer.
Saturday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM