arenاليمن - إب - مدينة جبلة 4 440041

Study and examination system

Study system

  1. 1. The university year begins in September of each year, and studies continue for (32) weeks in the university year, with (16) weeks in the semester, and the mid-year holiday is two weeks according to the university calendar.
  2. The study system in all faculty and university centers is based on regularity. The student is deprived of taking the final exam if his attendance percentage is less than (85%) of the theoretical lectures and practical lessons for each course according to the study plan. The student who is deprived of taking the final exam due to absence is considered to be failed in the course.
  3. No student may be registered at the university for two academic degrees at the same time..
  4. The student is dismissed from studies in the following cases:
    • If it becomes clear that his acceptance does not comply with the general provisions for admission, or if it becomes clear after the student’s transfer that he/she was previously expelled for disciplinary reasons, his enrollment will be considered canceled from the date of acceptance of his transfer to the university.
    • If he/she absent without excuse more than (50%) of the courses in the first year.
    • If he/she has two academic years remaining at the academic level and does not move to the higher level.
    • If he/she exceeds the maximum period of study and does not graduate.
    • If a dismissal decision is issued against him as a disciplinary penalty.
    • If he/she cheats more than once in one test session.
  5. The expelled student has the right to withdraw his documents from the university, provided that he explains in his documents issued by the university that he/she was dismissed from the university, the reasons for the dismissal and its date, and that he/she pays his/her financial or in-kind obligations to the university.
  6. Those dismissed for disciplinary reasons are not entitled to join the university again except by a final court ruling.

Testing and evaluation system

    1. The faculty council has the right to form a special committee to conduct examinations and monitor grades.
    2. The course teacher sets the test questions, and when necessary, based on the department head’s proposal, the test may be set by someone chosen by the faculty council or the faculty dean (provided that the faculty council is informed of its procedures at the nearest subsequent meeting).
    3. The course teacher corrects the test papers for his/her course, and the department head may, when necessary, involve one or more specialists with him/her in grading, and the grading must take place within the specified period.
    4. All course professors announce the results of the semester work, the grades of the practical part, and the names of the disadvantaged at least two weeks before the start of the final exams, with the approval of the department head.
    5. No student may enter the testing hall after more than half an hour has passed from the start of the specified test time, and the student is not allowed to leave the testing place until at least half of the testing time has passed.
    6. The student remaining to repeat due to his failure, unexcused absence, or denial of taking the test is obligated to pay the fines prescribed by the university.
    7. The dean of the faculty may accept a student’s excuse for taking one or more courses from the academic year or semester exams if the reason for the absence is a forced excuse confirmed by official documents or certified by the university hospital if the excuse is due to illness, provided that the necessary documents are submitted to the deanship of the faculty within A maximum period of one week before or after the test.
    8. Accepting the student’s excuse according to item (7) of this system results in the following:
      • His name is written in front of him (absent with an excuse) in all documents and records.
      • The student is accordingly exempted from the absence fine.
      • When a student retakes the test for the course or courses in which he was considered absent with an excuse, the result will be calculated for him just like his classmates who were present.
    9. The course professor may not modify any of the results data after submitting it unless there is a clear material error that has been reviewed by the department head and the faculty dean.
    10. The student has the right to appeal the result of any course after paying a sum of money as a deposit for his/her right to appeal in accordance with the university’s financial system, within a week from the date of announcing the result, after which his right to appeal is forfeited. If his eligibility to appeal is proven, the deposit amount will be returned.
    11. The marking process for final exams and comparison exams takes place in all faculties on campus using secret numbers.
    12. The right to appeal the result of the test is limited to revealing the student’s answer sheets and reviewing the monitoring or summing of grades only. If it becomes clear that the answer to any of the questions was not corrected or was not graded, the competent control unit shall summon the course corrector in writing through the dean of the faculty to present the case to him/her and correct the error. If found, all these cases are recorded in official records approved by the dean, copies of which are distributed with the records to the relevant authorities at the university, and the result of the grievance is announced to the students within a maximum period of one week from the date of the grievance.
    13. It is not permissible to delete, add, amend, change, or use deleted materials in the original transcripts of grades after their approval.
    14. Student answer books are kept at the faculty for all levels until one year after graduation, after which they are disposed of according to official records.
    15. The re-sit exam will be held for students requesting three courses at the time specified in the university calendar. The student who has four courses remaining to repeat is considered to be at the same level and is required to claim them and all the courses in which he/she received an acceptable grade..
    16. The Faculty Council, based on the recommendation of the relevant department council, determines the duration of the final written exam, provided that it is not less than one hour and does not exceed three hours.
    17. The results of the final exams are returned to the course professor if the test leads to an illogical result (distortion of the moderate distribution of grades). In this case, the course professor reconsiders the test result or provides an acceptable explanation for it that is approved by the department council and approved by the faculty council..
    18. For the purpose of improving tests and developing evaluation methods, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs appoints specialized scientific committees that select random samples from the final exams representing the various specializations in the faculties and departments, analyze and evaluate them in light of scientific standards, and submit appropriate proposals regarding them.
    19. Grades for courses, as well as annual grades, are calculated as follows:
Excellent from (90%) to (100 %) And symbolized by (M)
Very good from(80%) to (89%) and symbolized by (CC)
Good from(70 %) to (79 %) symbolized by (C)
Acceptable from(65 %) to (69 %) symbolized by (L)
Weak less than (65%) symbolized by (Z)
Absent zero symbolized by (gh)
Absent with an acceptable excuse Absent with an acceptable excuse symbolized by (G B)
Deprived deprived symbolized by (Mh)
  1. To improve the student’s situation, what is stated in the unified regulations for student affairs is followed.
  2. To calculate the student’s cumulative GPA upon graduation for each course, the credit hours are calculated at the rate of fifty points for each theoretical hour (one credit hour is equivalent to one theoretical hour or two laboratory or clinical hours), and every two hours in the practical aspect equals one credit hour..
  3. Fractions of the grades obtained by the student in any course are rounded to the nearest whole number.
  4. If the student succeeds in a course after taking his/her test for the second time (without excuse), the minimum grade for the course (65%) will be recorded for him/her and his grade will be acceptable.
  5. Grades for the university semester or year are distributed as follows:
    • Grades for the year’s or university semester’s work for the course are (40%), (25%) are theoretical, and (15%) are practical..
    • The final exam grades for the course are (60%), (45%) theoretical, and (15%) practical..
    • In the case of courses that have practical or clinical aspects, the grade of the written tests is combined with the grade for the semester work, in addition to the grades for the practical or clinical part. In light of this, the total final grade for the student in each course is determined. If the student fails in one of the two parts of the course – the practical part or the theoretical part he/she is considered to have failed the course and must retake the entire course test.
  6. The student is considered absent if he does not attend the final examination of the course..
  7. Success in all courses up to the upper level is required, and the student’s annual grade is determined as follows :
    • The successful student in all courses collects the grades obtained, divides them by the total final grades for the courses, and determines the percentage of the student’s grade.
    • The student remaining to repeat will be written to him/her instead of grades with the phrase “remaining to repeat” and the number of remaining courses in which he/she will be mentioned. He/she may take the re-sit test with these courses, and if he/she does not pass, he/she will remain athis/her level with the courses he/she has to take, as well as the courses in which he/she obtained an acceptable grade of the same level, and he/she will be considered dismissed. From the faculty if he/she fails for two years at the same level, taking into account the total period of time the student is allowed to continue in the faculty.
  8. The student’s graduation estimate is calculated cumulatively by summing the grades he/she obtained in all the courses he/she is required to pass in order to graduate according to the credit hours for each course (from the first level to the final level) and dividing the sum of the sum by the total final grades for the aforementioned courses.
  9. Graduation transcripts are prepared based on the order of the mentioned grades and according to the percentage of graduation during the period specified in the university calendar.