The faculty seeks to provide distinguished programs in pharmaceutical sciences to prepare and qualify an empowered cadre with scientific and research competence, capable of competing in the local, regional and international labor market, and to prepare programs aimed at providing and practicing quality pharmaceutical services in accordance with the standards of the Academic Accreditation Council and ensuring the quality of higher education.
The graduate is expected to be able to:
Regarding the requirements for attendance and completion of the program, work iscarried out according to Prime Minister’s Decision No. (284) of 2008 regarding the unified system for student affairs in Yemeni (governmental) universities, as well as what was stated in the university guide for the year 2020
When implementing the program, the following should be taken into account:
– The maximum grade required for graduation is 3.57 (100%) * 2822 = 10075 grades.
– The minimum grades required for graduation are 2.32 (65%) * 2822 = 6551 grades.
– In order to pass, each course is required to obtain 65% of the grade, regardless of the total number of grades in other courses.
Saturday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM